Halberda, J., Ly, R., Wilmer, J., Naiman, D., & Germine, L. (2012). Number Sense across the lifespan as revealed by a massive internet-based sample. PNAS [Demo]
Spiegel, C., & Halberda, J. Rapid fast-mapping abilities in 2-year-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (2010). [Demo]
Halberda, J., Mazzocco, M. & Feigenson, L. (2008). Individual differences in non-verbal number acuity correlate with maths achievement. Nature, 455, 665-668. [Demo]
Halberda, J. & Feigenson, L. (2008). Developmental Change in the Acuity of the Number Sense: The Approximate Number System in 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-Year-Olds and Adults. Developmental Psychology, 44 (5). [Demo]
Halberda, J., Taing, L. & Lidz, J. (2008). The development of “most” comprehension and its potential dependence on counting-ability in preschoolers. Language Learning and Development. [Demo]
Halberda, J., Sires, S.F., & Feigenson, L. (2006). Multiple spatially-overlapping sets can be enumerated in parallel. Psychological Science. 17 (7), 572-576. [Demo]
Halberda, J. (2006). Is this a dax which I see before me? Use of the logical argument disjunctive syllogism supports word-learning in children and adults. Cognitive Psychology, 53(4), 310-344. [Demo]
Nichols, S. & Halberda, J. (in preparation). Modal reasoning in preschoolers. [Demo]
Prospective research assistants should email Tyler Knowlton (tknowlt2@jhu.edu); prospective graduate students should email Dr. Halberda directly (halberda@jhu.edu).
The Vision & Cognition Lab
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Johns Hopkins University, Ames Hall
3400 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
© JHU Vision & Cognition Lab 2015